This is a copy of the Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG) dataset provided by the Dutch government. The Building and Address Registry provides an extensive overview of dutch building and address data.
Key data in the building and address registration includes:
The data in the BAG dataset is converted from XML format to a table-like structure. Similar to JSON objects, XML objects can contain nested structures and lists, which are normalized in this dataset.
All geometries use as their coordinate reference system (crs) the EPSG:28992 also known as Amersfoort / Rijksdriehoek New. Geometries can easily be converted into a more widely used CRS like WGS84 (used in Google Maps). An example query is given which can be used for the conversion between reference systems.
BAG 2.0 Extract Koppelvlak (Data model)
Terms & Definitions
Attributed author: Dienst voor het kadaster en de openbare registers (Rijk, 2024)
CC-0 (1.0): CC0 1.0 Universal